Arithmetic groups such as SLn(Z) are perhaps the most natural examples of discrete subgroups in Lie groups.
The hyperbolic manifolds constructed as quotients of hyperbolic space by arithmetic lattices are of interest to differential geometers and low-dimensional topologists as they often appear as low-complexity or very symmetric examples (for instance the Klein quartic or the Weeks-Matveev-Fomenko manifold).
These objects are also very accessible computationally since in many cases there are efficient algorithms providing a fundamental domain from an arithmetic description of a discrete group.
The goal of this conference is to bring together specialists in these three domains to reflect on the interactions between them and with neighbouring topics such as discrete groups, complex geometry and Coxeter polytopes.
Organisers: Slavyana Geninska, Aurel Page, Bram Petri and Jean Raimbault
Abstracts for the talks and mini-courses are here.
Mini-courses by:
Nathan Dunfield Graham Ellis
Talks by:
Amina Abdurrahman Alex Bartel Naomi Bredon Michelle Chu Martin Deraux Sami Douba Mikołaj Fra̧czyk Claudius Kamp Arielle Leitner Michael Lipnowski Plinio Murillo Pierre Py James Rickards
Rafael Sayous Suzanne Schlich Matthew Stover
Anne-Edgar Wilke David Xu
This conference is funded by the agence nationale de la recherche through the grant AGDE, with additional help from the mathematical institutes in Bordeaux and Marseille.